About Us


Thanks for visiting our website! We are a husband/wife graphic design team with over 20 years’ experience offering fresh, high quality instant download designs. We appreciate that being a career person...and parent...and spouse is never an easy gig for any of us. But amidst all this chaos we call life, we still have a creative side! We still want to create things for ourselves and others when truth be told, we just don’t always have the time.

That was the inspiration behind Anam Cara Graphics. (Anam Cara is Celtic for Soul Mate/ Soul Friend) Our vision was to take my graphic design experience and present fellow artists, crafters and DIYers with art and projects that can help fuel your creativity while saving you time by selling files that are ready to use right now. We never imagined how fast the idea would catch on and how fast we would grow. So much in fact, my husband now utilizes his incredible drawing talents to draw full time for our store, helping to bring new and fresh content to our customers. 

What has become most important to us over this past year of incredible growth, is to provide you with fresh ideas that are clean and easy to work with so you get on and get creative! 

Thanks so much for your time and taking a few minutes to get to know us better. We hope your purchases from Anam Cara Graphics bring you inspiration, save you precious time but also make you look like a hero while having some fun for yourself! (Shhhh - we won't tell anyone) .

Kind regards,
The Waltons